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Cheerleader of the Week: Natalie H.

Cheerleader of the Week: Natalie H. Diary*


Hey Colts fans!!! My name is Natalie and this is my fourth season with the Indianapolis Colts. I am very excited to share my week with you all! Today, I slept in A LOT! I was super exhausted from the game last night!! We all had been working very hard to present a wonderful halftime show to honor all our veterans and it turned out awesome! Once I was finally able to pull myself out of bed, it was time for me to get ready and head downtown to pick my little sister, Ashley up from school.  Once I got back from that I had to pack an overnight back for a last minute trip to Lafayette to see my boyfriend, Justin.  Once I was all ready, it was time for me to take my sister to The Dance Refinery, where we both grew up dancing and then head to Decatur Central High School.  I am the choreographer for the DCHS dance team and we have practice two nights a week!  Tonight we had to work on cleaning all their short, sideline routines because they have their first game next week at Conseco Field house!  Once practice was over I was off to Lafayette right away.  Once I got to my boyfriend's apartment we made some dinner and watched the latest Harry Potter movie……I fell asleep before the end, so I will have to watch that one again!hahaha Goooooood night!!


Hello there! Once I got up this morning Justin and I went to get some breakfast before he had to go to class and before I had to head home.  I then headed back to the Southside, just after picking up my sister on the way.  Once I was home I had to get to work on some choreography!  My dance team has a Christmas show coming up at school, which all the 'arts' perform at, they did this last year as well and it was a real great show!  So once I found the song they were going to dance to, it was time to get my creative thoughts working and get their routine together!  I wasn't able to completely finish it today, but I did get more than halfway!  After that, it was time to get ready for practice!  I met up with Britney G. and Lauren, some fellow "Southsiders" before we made our way to the Colts Complex.  Tonight at practice we learned our end zone routine for the next home game, which has more of a country style and is super cute! Then we had to go through all our other routines for that game and clean them to make sure they looked as good as possible and are game-day-ready!  Once practice ended, the three of us headed back down to the Southside.  When I got home I grabbed a little bit to eat before heading to bed!! Talk to ya'll tomorrow!


Good mornin!!  This morning I got up and got ready for the day, just before I went to get my sister from school.  Then I met Britney G. for lunch!! We were veeeeery excited to meet up today because after lunch we went shopping for our Birthday party outfits!! Britney's birthday was this past Sunday and mine is tomorrow, so this Saturday we are having a combined Birthday bash! And the best part about it is…..that's it's a ROCKSTAR themed party!!  We went shopping at the party store and in the mall and got some really awesome stuff to wear!!  Now that we know what we are wearing it makes it even more exciting!   I. CAN.NOT. WAIT!  Once all our shopping had come to an end, I went home to get ready to go to Decatur Central.  Tonight at practice we finished cleaning the rest of their routines and their fight song routine as well.  Now they are all ready to go for the game next Wednesday!  Once practice was over, it was back home to do more choreography, but this time it was for cheerleading!  Kristine and I are teaching a new routine tomorrow, so tonight I wrote out notes for the whole routine and then made sure everything fit together with the music! I can't wait to see what the rest of the girls think of it! After that, I had a little dinner and then it was time to watch one of my favorite shows, The Real World!  Then it was time for bed, I really need my beauty sleep tonight….because tomorrow's my birthday!


Helloooo there! Today is going to be a good day…because it's my birthday! This morning I got up and got ready for my appearance today with Nicole K., Erin C., and Autumn.  Today we went to Martin University for 'Hoosiers Helping Hoosiers' to help hand out meals to people in the community who might not have been able to have a Thanksgiving meal with their families. It was a lot of fun and it felt great to be able to help others in need. After my appearance I headed back home to have a little bit of lunch and some down time before getting ready for practice! On my way to meet Britney G. to head to practice, I picked up some mini cupcakes my mom had got for me to take to practice from a local bakery! Our trainer, Sean, from Core Pilates and Fitness started off practice today.  Like always, we had a nice workout! Sean always knows how to kick our butts with a good workout!!haha After our workout it was time to clean our end zone routine for our next game.  We are off of practice next week, so we had to have all of our routines for the Nov. 27th game ready by tonight.  Once end zone was ready, we ran through all our other routines for the game.  Then it was time to learn the new routine I was working on last night!  We got through the dance really quick and everyone really seemed to like it!! After that, it was time for ending practice chat before we all headed home.  Once I was home, I had a bit to eat for dinner and then it was off to bed for meeeee!!!


Morning all! Today I had to run a few errands! So I got up and got ready for the day and headed to my first stop at Sun Tan City for a nice spray tan.  Then I went over to Babies R Us to get a baby shower gift for a past cheerleader who is expecting next month! After that I made a quick stop by the mall then back home. Once I was home I had to get ready because tonight I'm taking a master dance class taught by Sonya Tayeh!!!!  Sonya is an amazingly talented choreographer known worldwide, most people probably know her from So You Think You Can Dance! I was sooooooo excited to take this class. Once I was ready my little sister, Ashley and I headed to pick up a member of my dance team, Efren, on the way to Curtain Call Dance Studio. Sonya's class was A-MAZ-ING!!!!! It was so nice to be able to just take a dance class because I haven't in such a long time!! I loved it and she was very inspiring to all of us who were there!! After that, I went home and got ready to go to the movies with my boyfriend, Justin, my mom and little sister. We all went to see the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn. It was a great movie and I am excited to see Part 2! Then, it was time for bed, it had been a long day and I have another long day tomorrow so I better get all the rest I can!!


This morning I started the day with a CRAZY cardio workout at Core Pilates and Fitness with our trainer Sean.  Today's workout was insane, but we all pushed through it and felt great afterwards!  I quickly had to get home and get ready before meeting up with Britney G. (You might have noticed we spend a lot of time together!) Then we made our way to our former cheerleader, Tessa C's for her baby shower!! We all had a great time together at the shower. It was so nice to see some past cheerleaders and of course, Tessa herself!! After the shower, a handful of us headed up to the Crawfordsville area to support our fellow teammate, Sophie.  There is a chili dinner and benefit for her mom who was in a serious motorcycle accident about a month ago. People from the community came out to support and donate to help cover all their medical bills.  Seven of us carpooled to the event from the baby shower. Britney G., Kristine, Sam and I were in one car and Erin B., Brittany B. and Kimberly were in the other.  It was a long, but fun car ride! We had girl talk the whole way there which was great!! At the benefit we were able to sign autographs and take pictures with people there and we got to witness the very exciting auction!! People had donated items and packages to be auctioned off to help raise money.  It was great to see people bid on items over and over again because that meant more money for Sophie and her family! Once everything was auctioned off it was time for us to make our way back to Indy.  We all made our way to Brittany B. and Kristine's apartment to get ready for our Rockstar Birthday party for Britney G. and I!! It was so fun to have all of us there to get ready together! It was like Halloween all over again!! Then we all just had a fun night on the town to celebrate our birthday! It was so great to be able to hang out with everyone outside of practice!! Sleep tight Indy!


Today I slept in real good after our long day yesterday! Once I got up it was just kind of a lazy Sunday.  I spent most of the afternoon finishing the Christmas routine I've been working on for my dance team! I was able to finish it just in time to get ready and then head on up to DCHS to practice with the team and teach them the routine! It took us about two and a half hours to get through the routine, but we got through the WHOLE thing!! I think they all really like it and I hope it's a hit at their shows! After that, I headed back home to relax with the family and watch the rest of the AMA's.  Then it was time to get ready for bed, believe it or not, I was still pretty tired from my full day yesterday! Good night Colts fans! Thank you so much for joining in on my week!! I hope to see you all out at the games and in the community doing what we love best…supporting the Indianapolis Colts!!!

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