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Cheerleader of the Week: Jessie

Read Jessie's blog in this week's addition of Cheerleader of the Week.


Monday December 6, 2010

Hi Colts fans!! I am soo excited to share with you what a regular week is like with me J After cheering at the overtime game against Dallas last night I am super tired this morning. I always try to start my day with a good breakfast but that was hard to do today because I got up really late. I rushed out the door and went to my first class of the day. Monday is my busiest day with classes, which are from 10 to 5, then I walk home to hurry up and put on my work clothes. I only work Mondays so it's really important for me to get to work on time. I work at the Academy of Dance Arts in Fishers so it's about a 45 minute drive from Ball State. I teach hip-hop dance to three different classes and I absolutely love it! I don't think I could have a better job. I love it when the kids I teach think its so exciting to see me on TV in my uniform. So cute!   After work I am off to L.A. fitness to get some cardio in before my long drive back to school. This week is our finals week so I have a ton of projects and papers due. Once I got home I prepared for tomorrows assignments and hit the bed.

 Tuesday December 7, 2010

Today I got up feeling a lot more refreshed then yesterday. I walked to my first class and took a Spanish final. No me gusta espanol clase ha. Maybe I am learning a little. After that I got some lunch and started on a news story that was due to air on Wednesday nights Newslink. I am a telecommunications and news major so I am preparing to become a news anchor. Since I am a senior I am starting to report news stories; very exciting and very time consuming. Six hours later I decided I need a little break and headed to the gym. After my workout I was off to type a paper then bedtime.

 Wednesday December 8, 2010

What a yucky morning it is today. Its super cold out and I have to walk to class L I have a final today and a presentation to give so I am super stressed about doing well. My first final of the day was in one of my News classes. We took it online and I got an A on it, Yayy!! After my final I was off to grab some lunch and do my presentation. I had a presentation in one of my communication classes and it was over how figures in the media are seen and who they influence others. I think I did well and I really enjoy public speaking, so I will have to wait until grades come out to truly see how I did. Once my classes were over I went tanning at Suntan City and worked out extra hard tonight. Once I got back from working out I made sure to watch my news story which was aired that night. After a few episodes of Will and Grace I am off to bed.

 Thursday December 9, 2010

Today is a really busy day for me because I leave for Miami tomorrow and need to make sure that I get all of my things done before I go. I feel like right when I woke I was running around all day. I first had to go to my classes then I had to make sure all of my things were packed and ready to go. I think packing is one of the most frustrating things ever! You never really know if you have everything you need or not. Swimsuit, extra clothes, dresses, workout stuff, shoes, shoes, and shoes. I hope that's it. Oh of course all of my hair and make- up stuff ha. After I said goodnight to my sweetie and made sure all of my things were packed I started dreaming about the 6am flight to warm weather.

December 10,2010

Once 4am rolled around I was up doing my hair and running to go get Larissa so we could meet our other friend at the airport. We all looked so flashy compared to everyone else in the airport. Our security guard Jon met us at the gate and we were off to our connection in Atlanta. (By the way we were going to Miami for a Children's Charity hosted by Michael Fux.) When we got to the airport in Atlanta it was so hilarious; I don't think that people had seen that many girls traveling in a group before.. Everyone was staring at us. When we boarded the plane to Miami we were still so shocked we were going. Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine! We landed in Miami.. It was so beautiful! Michael picked us up at the airport and took us to our amazing hotel. When we arrived, we ate lunch and then helped wrap presents for the children. After getting cleaned up for dinner, our ride picked us up and we went to what I can only describe as the best dinner I have ever had. I got Crab legs, lobster bisque, and the most amazing salmon ever. We also got to have dinner with Alonzo Mourning… He was sooo tall! Wow. Carmen Diaz was there with A-Rod too.. After our fabulous dinner we were off to bed and getting ready for the big day tomorrow.

Saturday December 11,2010

We woke up and got all ready for the day, then headed down to the lobby to meet the rest of the volunteer group. We headed to the Miami Children's hospital at 9:30 and began helping to organize the presents for the children. They gave us a tour of the hospital, and the family center that Michael built was truly amazing. The charity started at 11 and we were able to walk around and socialize with all of the families and children. Michael had bought the 330 families that were there a present of their choice for Christmas. The children wrote down what they wanted for Christmas, and he went out and got each and everyone of them what they really wanted, and more. We helped give out the presents, along with Alonzo Mourning and many other celebrities. The faces of the children and their families when they received the presents were amazing. I kept having to hold back crying every time a child lit up with their brand new bike or Barbie car. Some of the children wouldn't have got a present at all if he wouldn't have bought them something. The way that Michael opened up his heart for these sick children was truly inspiring. He told me that just seeing their faces when they get presents and having them smile when they are going through such painful treatments, is worth every minute and dime spent. We were at the charity until 6 then we all went out to eat with everyone that had volunteered. The whole day was something I will never forget , and I hope that someday I can give back to people the same way Michael Fux did.

Sunday December 12,2010

Well its time to head back to cold, cold Indiana. We left for Indianapolis around 7am and arrived back at 3pm. We were all super tired but still so happy we were able to go and contribute. When I got picked up from the airport I was so sad to be driving home in a blizzard! Oh Indiana ha.. Once I arrived back to Muncie I had some homework to do, and of course I needed to go work off all that wonderful food we had in Miami. I went to the gym for a couple hours then headed back to my house. I was so exhausted and fell asleep really early. I hope everyone enjoyed hearing about my busy week J Go Colts!!!!

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