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GAME DAY!!! Whoo hoo! Ok, maybe I wasn't really shouting whoo hoo at 5:30 am, but I was definitely hoping that I would be after the game.


Monday, November 30, 2009 – Hey Colts fans!!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!  My little 16 year old sister woke me up bright and early this morning to curl her hair for her before she went to school.  I live up in Indianapolis with two other girls that cheer with me, so I don't get to do stuff like that for her normally. For the holiday, I went up to Plymouth IN to visit my mom and then down to Bloomington IN to visit my dad.  Today I have to drive back to Indy to work at 4:15pm, but before I go back I'm going to have lunch with my dad and my Uncle Jim.  I met them at my dad's office, and then we all went to O'Charleys to eat.  I had the most delicious salad there!  I don't even know what it was called, but it was yummy lol.  After lunch I said bye and headed on back to my apartment in Indy.  I work at a dance studio, called Indy dance Academy, where I teach hip hop classes.  I had to finish making up a dance before my class today, so I did that and headed on into work… you can call it that, I love my job and it's more fun than work.  I had a private lesson today with one of the little girls in my hip hop competition team, then I had my cheer-hop classes from 5:30-6:30, my hip hop class from 6:30-7:30, and my practice for the hip hop competition team from 7:30-8:00.  I have girls in my classes ages 8-15 and I love them all, they're all such sweet girls!  I headed home after work, showered, made some dinner….normally I would have gotten ready for bed, but unfortunately I had to pick my roommate up from the airport at 12:00 am! After picking Josie up from the airport, I was definitely ready to go to bed. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 – I went and worked out at Cardinal Fitness for a little bit today and then headed home to shower and get ready for an appearance that I had in Columbus IN.  I was pretty excited from this appearance, because Kristine was doing this appearance with my and I hadn't seen her in over a week!  Which is a lot for us, we're used to seeing each other every day since we live together.  This appearance in Columbus was for the Indiana Blood Center; we signed autographs and talked to the people there that were giving blood.  We were asked to donate blood and I definitely would have if we hadn't had practice right after, so we didn't this time.  After the appearance Kristine, Chris (our wonderful Cheerleader Intern), and myself went to Tropical Smoothie Café to grab a smoothie and a quick bite to eat before driving back to Indy for practice.  Kristine and I got to practice at Curtain Call Dance Studio, changed, and hopped right on into practicing.  We learned a few new dances for our game this Sunday and some new ones for our Christmas game against the Broncos on December 13th.  Shonica, our choreographer, does a really great job of keeping us ahead of schedule so we have plenty of time to practice all of our dances before game day.  Headed home after practice to shower, eat dinner, and watch Angels and Demons, since it came out on DVD today. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 – I didn't have a whole lot to do today, so I slept in, went to lunch with a friend, and did some laundry, which was much needed! Haha.  I went into work a little bit early today around 5:00pm; I had to finish cutting my music for my classes because we have a Holiday Showcase coming up that I have to turn the music in for.  Taught my hip hop class from 6:30-7:30, then had practice with the hip hop competition team from 7:30-8:15.  After my last classes, I had to head straight over to Brebeuf.  All the dance instructors must attend a meeting the first Wednesday of ever month to go over curriculum, classes, and any other topics that need to be discussed.  We normally just have our meetings at the dance studio, but since we our hosting our Holiday showcase next weekend at Brebeuf, we are meeting there to go over all the details.  I hurried home after the meeting to watch the new episode of So You Think You Can Dance that I recorded on my DVR.  Love that show!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009 – My roomie Kristine and I went grocery shopping today…never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach!  So now we have a refrigerator stuffed full of healthy, yummy food.  After grocery shopping, I thought about going to go work out, but then decided against it because I knew the trainers from Cardinal Fitness were going to work us out hard today during our practice since we had last week off.  I headed to practice around 5:30 at the Colts Complex, there was so much to get done tonight, I knew it was going to be a long night.  When we got into practice we had to pick up our game day uniforms that just got back from being cleaned, then we had to get all of our Christmas uniforms pieces for the Christmas game.  Right at 6:30pm, we began our workout with our trainers from Cardinal Fitness….like I said, we had last week off and they were definitely not taking it easy on us!  We all want to look good at the games for our fans though so it's totally worth it.  After they finished up our work out, it was on to regular practice.  We spent most of practice cleaning up our pre-game routine for this Sunday's game.  We ran through it many times, and then we ran through our sideline dances with our coaches watching to make sure every girl knows her material.  We got to practice in our smaller squads for a little bit, we all name our squads just for fun.  Our squad consists of myself, Erica, Monica, Tessa C, Samantha, Larissa, Megann, and   LeAndra…We call ourselves "Big Hair Shawty Squad!"  We have the shortest girls on the squad, but we manage to make up for it with our big game day hair!!  Also, featured some of the Colts Cheerleaders on their website and half of the girls on the website are from our squad, so we changed it to "Big Hair Shawty Maxim Squad," it's a mouth full, I know!  Haha! Finally, practice was over and it was time to go home!  It feels so great to go home, eat some grub, take a nice hot shower and lay down.  Good night!

Friday, December 4, 2009 – I got up at 4:45am to take a friend to the airport, then went back home and fell asleep for a little bit.  I teach an adult hip hop class 11-12 on Fridays, so I drove to work and stopped at Starbucks on the way in to get a yummy Vanilla Rooibus Tea with soy milk.  I love my adult classes, the ladies are there to have fun, get a little workout, and learn some cute dances.  Once I got home I made a list of errands that I had to get done today!  On that list was a much needed winter cleaning…'s a lot like spring cleaning only in the winter haha.  I scrubbed my bathroom, our kitchen, vacuumed, dusted…the whole nine yards!  It actually felt great to have the place looking all nice and clean once I got done.  My car was also in need of a good cleaning, so I cleaned my car out and took it through a car wash, and then I took it for an oil change.  Unfortunately the place that I got it changed at last time, down in Bloomington, screwed my oil filter on too tight and this place told me I would have to take it back to the other place.  Guess I'll have to make a trip to Bloomington next week for an oil change.  I met up with some friends after that and went to the Disney On Ice show at Conseco Fieldhouse.  We got a bite to eat afterwards, then home and off to bed for me. 

Saturday, December 5, 2009 – Woke up around 10:30am, ate some breakfast while chatting with my roomies, then I decided to go get a quick workout in for the day at Cardinal Fitness.  After working out I had to go to the dance studio that I work at because I told another instructor that I would sub her classes for her since she was out of town.  The classes went well; it's a little different than my regular classes since I don't know the kids as well, but still fun none the less.  I had to hurry home to shower and get myself all pretty to go to an appearance.  I left my apartment at 3:00pm with one of my roommates, Kristine, to go tot the Colts Complex. For some appearances we all ride together in a limo or the Colts Suburban, so we were meeting up with Theresa (our Cheerleading Director), Chris (our Cheerleading Intern) and three of the other girls, Larissa, Ashley H, and Kathleen.  We were all going to Camp Atterbury to wish good luck to all the men and women about to be deployed overseas.  Some of the Junior Colts Cheerleaders got to meet us there and help out as this appearance.  We got to handout Christmas Cards, talk with the soldier, sign autographs, and towards the end we even got to do a little dance performance for them.  It was such a wonderful appearance!  All the men and women and Camp Atterbury were so polite and so appreciative to have us there!  On the drive home we were all starving, so we stopped and we all sat down to eat together and to talk with each other.  Sometimes all of us get so busy and we never have time at our practices to just talk, so it's always nice to spend time with the girls! It was such a great night, but I had to head to bed as soon as I got home so I could be bright and chipper for the Colts v. Titans game!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009 – GAME DAY!!!  Whoo hoo!  Ok, maybe I wasn't really shouting whoo hoo at 5:30 am, but I was definitely hoping that I would be after the game.  I hopped in the shower, zipped up my bag with all my game day uniform pieces, grabbed some coffee and a granola bar then my roomies and I were on our way to Lucas Oil Stadium.  We pulled into the stadium around 6:30am, made our way down into our locker rooms to get changed and stretched out before we began our practice on the field.  We went out on the field at 7:00 am and immediately began running thru our pre-game dance as a whole squad, after running through that several times we then split into our smaller squads to go through our sideline dances and end zone dance.  We had to change a few formations around for our player intro and National Anthem because unfortunately a few of our cheerleaders weren't cheering this game.  Once everything was corrected and run through a couple times, we were done.  Time for breakfast!!  Once we get back into the locker room and put on some comfy clothes, we all get to sit down and relax for a little bit while we eat breakfast.  Once we get done eating it's time to start getting ready for the day.  I curl my hair, put my make-up on and get my appearance uniform on to head to the Tyler Mason (Tyler Mason is the Official salon and spa for us) autograph table with my "Big Hair Shawty Maxim Squad" to sign autographs and talk with all the Colts fans that are lucky enough to get to come to watch the Colts live in action.  We head back to the locker room after our appearance to have the wonderful ladies from Tyler Mason touch-up our hair and make-up for us.  It's just about game time at this point….time to get the game day uniforms on!  At 12:30pm, the whole squad, our choreographer, and coach all circle up in the middle of the locker room to say a prayer before the game.  Then it's on to the field for us, to Shake it like a Pom Pom!!  (That's the song we're dancing to for pre-game)  Pre-game dance went great!  Now we line up for the player intro and National Anthem.  Once all the pre-game festivities are done, each squad heads to its corner to cheer in for the first quarter.  The game is going great; the colts are staying ahead this game from the beginning!  We head into the locker rooms to do a quick change in the ever popular Colts Cheerleader Chaps….they fans always seems to love them lol.  We cheered hard, the player played even harder and that's right folks, COLTS WINS!!!  12-0!!!  Perfect ending to the week!  Go Colts!

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