
ANDERSON – Ricky Jean Francois is starting his second year with the Colts. With training camp underway, Colts.com catches up with him.
Are you approaching this camp differently than past camps – I'm approaching it differently because I'm still on the quest for that first ring. That's one thing every guy wants to go after. There are a lot of things I want to prove because I had an OK season last year. I was injured, and I'm trying to show I can (play) a 16-game season, show I can be productive and step up when it's time to.
You've played five full seasons, and that's more than many players. Do you still feel it's a privilege– You do feel privileged. That one play or practice can change your whole life. Something can happen at any time, and knock on wood it doesn't to anyone. Every down you do play, you have to feel that way. If you don't respect the game, the game doesn't have any reason to respect you.
Louisiana State University - San Francisco 49ers (AP Photos)

How would you describe your time with the Colts – They've given me every opportunity in the world. I'm loving it and trying to take advantage of those opportunities. I love Indianapolis. The Pacers fans and I don't get along too well (smiles since he's from Miami), but they might be happier since LeBron (James) left. I love it here. I've learned a lot. I want to keep loving it for many, many more years.
Which Colts teammate have you learned the most from – Andrew Luck is one of them. I'd say Cory Redding. He's always going to be teaching, no matter if he gets on your nerves (smiles). Robert Mathis is like Dragon Fly Jones. He's trying to teach his moves. You can learn just about anything from anybody on this team. You just have to apply yourself.
Cory Redding is vocal and Robert Mathis is quieter, which one are you more like** – I could say both. You just can't pick one. You got loud, that's Cory. Robert is that smooth guy, but he can still get off if he wants to. When he finally talks, it means something. I'm down the middle. Sometimes you may need the quiet guy and sometimes you need that guy who's going to get up in your face.
What do you want to accomplish in this camp – I want to become a good all-around player and play across the whole line. That's one of my goals – play end, tackle and become a play-maker, become a household name. Household names are made in camp, not the season.
Is this the most physical defense the Colts have had – A lot of people have told us the Colts have never had a real aggressive defense. As you see Chuck change that, this will be one of the most aggressive defenses we've had, one that can pound on the offenses and hand the ball to Andrew Luck.
Most fun thing I did during the summer** – It was hanging out with my family every day (in Miami). The Fourth of July was fireworks. Being with my family was my highlight. As long as I got around them and my girlfriend, I was happy.
Toughest thing about training camp – It's how you get through the soreness, the battering, the beating, the aches. When you wake up in the morning, you're stiff. Once you get past that, it's if you can keep your mind focused on the plays when you're tired. Out here, it feels like the sun is sitting on the field with us. To keep your mind in the plays and not get distracted is the challenge. Once everyone leans on one another, they have a chance to keep going.
Whenever you're not playing, what will you miss the most about training camp – You'll miss the camaraderie, the guys, the jokes, just walking through the locker room and smelling the balm. It's not the best smell, but it will be not being around the guys and coaches. I'll miss the yelling and screaming and the up-and-down emotions. It's not the game you'll miss so much. It's the guys you meet in the game you'll miss so much.
What you know now about training camp that you didn't as a rookie – Hydration. When I camped in California (with the 49ers), it was 60 degrees on a regular day. When I got here, hydration was the number one factor. Eating, hydrating, getting in the cold tub. Those little things are big.
Best advice you received before entering the NFL and who gave it to you – Aubrayo Franklin told me just to play ball. Don't worry and when you get on the field, the only thing you see is the man in front of you. As long as you keep your mentality like that and keep working daily on your craft, work on your craft more than a quarterback works on his because quarterbacks stays in the building longer than anybody, you have no other way to be than successful.
Do you stick with your position group in the dining hall, or do you get to know others – I like spending time with everybody. I don't want to seem like I'm only going to spend time with the linemen. We are close, but you want to know everyone else. You want to break off and see how everyone is.